Tuesday, July 13

This weekend, I will be six-years-old.

Today, I reached a milestone that most people reach around childhood. My dad bought me a bike! Since moving into an apartment near campus, I have wanted to finally learn how to ride a bike.

Sadly, I do not have my bike with me though so I cannot start learning until Friday when I go home. I still wanted to write my first blog post today though, since I am pre-bicycle legs.

I never learned how to ride a bike when I was younger because, like many in my generation, my parents were going through a rather nasty custody battle. It is pretty reasonable that if I went back to one parent's house from the other with bruises all over my shins and elbows, maybe even my head, voices would then raise and tempers would spike. So, I missed out on an important milestone in my life. Are you aware how many times people use the phrase, "Oh, its just like riding a bike." Well jerk, I have no idea what that means. Alright I do, but not because of real life experience like most people.

So, this weekend, at the young (but not young enough for societal norms) age of 18, I will learn how to ride a bike. Since I am so old, it should just take me a weekend, right?

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